Hunter Mobile Tutoring uses proven educational techniques to instruct our students. We believe that a student’s strengths and natural ability needs to be the foundation of learning. At Hunter Mobile Tutoring, every student is seen as an individual, and natural strengths are identified and built upon.

Our unique approach to learning is based on three key points:

Identify the student needs and focus areas

Our tutors work with you and your child to identify any areas that need improvement and will tailor each tutoring session to address those specific needs. We work in parallel with the students school teachers and together, Teacher, Tutor and Parent, we ensure every child achieves their true potential. Where needed we can perform formal or informal assessments.

Develop a personalised learning plan

Each student’s personal learning plan is developed with the exact skills they need, using the method in which they learn the best, to help them reach their potential.

Ensure each skill is mastered before moving on

To enhance long-term retention, our tutors employ proven mastery learning techniques. We make sure each new skill is mastered before moving on and in doing so each student will discover their true potential.

Two-part payment system

We have a two-part payment system. By utilising this cost structure we have been able to reduce the hourly cost to families dramatically. Our costs are split into two payments:

  • Registration fees by the term & subject
  • Weekly fee

(* There may be a surcharge for outlying areas or specialty circumstances. Please contact us for more information).

Kindergarten – Year Six

Years K-6
  • $30.00per 30-45min session
  • or

  • $35.00per hour
  • Registration Cost
  • $190.00per term

Registration cost for additional subjects or siblings discounted by 50%

Year Seven – Nine

Years 7-9
  • $30.00per 30-45min session
  • or

  • $35.00per hour
  • Registration Cost
  • $200.00per term & subject

Registration cost for additional subjects or siblings discounted by 50%

Year Ten – Twelve

Years 10-12
  • $40.00per hour
  • Registration Cost
  • $200.00per term & subject

Registration cost for additional subjects or siblings discounted by 50%

Corporate clients are quoted on an alternate price structure

Have more questions?

Please view our FAQ page to see an example that highlights the equivalent hourly cost or contact us

(02) 4915 9607

What The Parents Say